• What is media literacy?

Throughout history, the media has been used in such a way that it’s no longer trustworthy. Media literacy is the ability of a person to research and figure out the accuracy of stories presented by media.

  • How do notable individuals use social media?

Sometimes with the help of their agents. Most celebrities hire professionals to handle their social media accounts because they have the skills and knowledge to make a person popular and post things on social media in a way that would make their account look attractive.

  • What are the benefits of being in the public eye and having a PLN?

Lots of opportunities to meet new people as people try to reach out to them. They don’t have to go looking to make connections. Collaborations between different artists are an example.

They have enough money to host their own events to get to know people who are like-minded.

  • Building community with online tools provided by the employer can be limiting, what are the perceived restrictions and benefits?

One restriction I feel is the fact that the online tools provided cater to the employer’s needs and are not fully customized to yours. However, since one’s employer has more experience in the field the tools that he/she provides may prove to be very beneficial in building connections.

  • Delivering information in a connected society requires verifiable resources, how do we build a PLN to rely on?

It is very hard to build trustworthy connections at present as some people try to come off as genuine when they’re actually trying to take advantage of you. The best way to avoid this I feel is to gain trust and build connections one by one and reach out to people that these connections may provide as they’re reliable. For example, reaching out to people recommended by your employer.

  • How do those, who are veteran storytellers, minimize the risk of sharing misinformation?

Veterans usually have been through a lot of trauma and often suffer from PTSD. The things that happened to them while they were battling in war are usually just flashes of memory. So if and when they share their stories with others they will not always be 100% accurate as they won’t be able to recall everything that happened. To minimize this they could share their story with a veteran friend/ friends who were also there with them during this incident so they could correct each other.

  • Identify the risks and benefits of engaging with a public audience in a media space and consider what the risks for a public figure or person in a position of trust (educator, lawyer, government official) may be?

It’s sometimes risky for public figures or people in a position of trust as they may accidentally share sensitive information that is confidential and could potentially ruin their career

As a lot of public figures hire their own PR team to handle their public audience it can be used to create good publicity for themselves and they can help reduce the risk I mentioned above.

  • Include in your blog, how to best address negative replies and reviews which reflect your personal values?

I feel like the best way to handle it is to not respond at all because sometimes if that negative response really affected you and you let it affect your response you’d only be adding more negativity into the mix.

However, depending on the situation not responding may come off as if you’re ignoring what you did wrong. If the negativity really needs to be addressed it should be done when you are your calmest self and you should be neutral as possible with your response.

  • Consider how open dialogues about media literacy and information can create conflict in your writing. why does this happen?

An individual’s point of view on a story given to them differs from person to person. People create their own opinions with whatever information they know and share it online. This would potentially create conflict in your mind as a reader as you won’t know who and what to believe.

  • Please include your thoughts on the benefits of having a PLN that values media literacy.

This means that our PLN constantly has access to valuable resources and information that could help improve our own media literacy. Having access to reliable experts who can quickly answer specific questions that we have.